Who is representing you?

Automobile collisions are the most common cause of serious personal injuries and wrongful death claims in Texas. Every year, hundreds of innocent people are seriously injured or die at the hands of negligent drivers who speed, ignore signage, use cell phones, send text messages, are inexperienced, or are under the influence.
If you have been involved in a car wreck and do not have an experienced lawyer on your side, the insurance companies have an advantage. They know the system. Just talking to an insurance adjuster can permanently harm your case and prevent you from being able to recover money you may be owed.
Texting and Cell Phone use while driving.
Studies show texting while driving can increase the risk of a crash over 100 times compared to normal driving. While many legistatures have passed laws prohibiting drivers from texting, studies show many drivers, particularly young people, still text while driving despite common knowledge of its dangers.
Trucking companies that fail to maintain their trucks.
Trucking companies are required to properly maintain their vehicles and conduct vehicle inspections to assure they are safe. However, many trucking companies and truckers neglect inspections, needed repairs and maintenance to save money. Putting defective and dangerous equipment on the road. Putting other drivers at risk.
Un-trained or un-licensed truck drivers.
Before hiring a driver, trucking companies are required by law to obtain the trucker’s driving record and contact their past employers. All too often, trucking companies break the law and put dangerous drivers behind the wheel.
Things to Consider
Ten legal tips you can use if injured in an auto accident:
- Do not admit fault at the scene.
- File an accident report.
- Report the accident to your insurance agent.
- Ask your insurance agent about benefits available to you under your own policy.
- Cooperate with your insurance company.
- Do not, under any circumstances, sign documents for the other driver or their insurance company without seeking legal advice.
- Do not under any circumstances give a recorded or written statement to the other driver or their insurance company.
- Promptly seek medical care and follow your doctor's advice.
- Document your medical bills and any time off work.
- Seek legal advice early.
Legal Action
At Dobbs & Tittle, we are fully equipped to help you obtain adequate compensation for your injuries after a car accident. If you or a member of your family has suffered serious or fatal injuries in a car accident, we invite you to contact us. We provide outstanding client service in motor vehicle accident claims and litigation, including cases resulting in permanent or disabling injuries or death. If you or a loved one has been injured in a vehicle accident that you believe may be due to negligence, we invite you to contact us. We are experienced in auto and truck accident litigation, andy our initial consultatios is provided free and without obligation.